Welcome to www.legalmandate.com
Pioneering Perspective of Medical Sciences -- evidence based—nobody can ever deny.
Legally Rightful---- VERSES -----Legally Wrongful
Specific United Nations Laws-Statute of the International Court of Justice are Legal barrier to fix two serious Global Legal issues.
Sensitive Global Problems
- Specific Legal problem in Medical Education and Practice –ongoing over 160 years can never be fixed with specific Legal solution under specific category of law. The issue is extremely sensitive--Basic Foundation of Human Reproduction
- Bitter Battle of Child Custody in Hon. Court of Law—same UN laws applied
Dangerous Clutches of UN laws---Serious Impacts on People —Massive Dangerous Damages to Precious Health & Wealth of innocent People of all 193 countries member Nations of United Nation---fast multiplying with each passing day—in more than 30 directions—valid evidence based—‘a whole world of Crime’.
On the top of it---This will be continued forever under UN law--NONSTOP.
Human Destruction under UN Constituition -- UNACCEPTED at Zero Tolerance.
Freedom of World From Dangerous Clutches of UN laws
- Legal mandate as per requirement of UN Laws link http://www.icj-cij.org/en/statute
- Legal Notice to one and all citizens to take action mentioned in ‘Legal Course’
- Legal Global joint venture –United Nation, all member State Nations of 193 countries (Prime minister/ President of Nations), relevant professional scholars & public at large as mentioned in ‘ Legal Course of Action’ on Detail Page of this website
- Legal Requirement of UN Law ICJ Article #70 — www.icj-cij.org/en/statute
all 193 member Nations must collectively submit the UN Law issue of Legal barrier to UN, Secretary General of United Nations—as per foreign policy treaty agreement.
- Legally Mandatory Judgment Day ---Good enough time frame of 30 days -count down starts from today 28th july 2017 -- for UN to declare exact Time, Date, Place of Judgment Day, provide all essential world resources to relevant professionals and public to get ready for their own Freedom
Relevant Highlights to Justify Legal Thunderbolt--
- This Medical Doctor has Sole Legal authority —accepted worldwide from U.S. Federal website since 22 Feb 2000
- No denying—rest of the world is legally prohibited by UN Laws for this thunderbolt
- First time ever—this solo individual to provide specific legal solution to fix specific legal problem everlasting since 160 years--under specific law.
- Legal Thunderbolt from this website: It is almost an impossible task to connect ---the legal functioning of the Ultimate Administrative authorities UN & it’s 193 Member State Nations –to-- People of Real World--with absolute global transparency. This is the essential legal requirement to take necessary action for Legal Freedom within limited time frame of 30 days.
- Never Happened before—legal Remedy was created 17 years before the identification of ‘legal barrier’ of UN laws, for it’s implementation to fix legal problem
- To reach this point—for having exclusive legal status—this Scientist alone accountable to pass through an unknown & toughest journey of 17 years—for Freedom of Entire World—because rest of the world is prohibited by UN law for most sensitive issues
- For Judgment Day—From this date of website—28 July, 2017 onwards—UN & all its. 193 Member Nations are accountable –with their exclusive legal domain --to provide all necessary resources to real people—to achieve their own Freedom from clutches of UN laws—starting from declaration of exact Time, Date, and Place for the Judgment Day till Legal implementation of Freedom.
- To avoid any discrimination, the Upgraded Contact information of presenting Scientist regarding any objection/ assistance has been notified to relevant UN legal officials and member State-Nations and World Court Hague Netherland.